My Dear Aster

My Dear Aster
My Dear Aster Rank: 3.8/5 - 64 Rating(s)


A few years ago, Lihen’s daughter said. “If mother ever lives again, don’t give birth to me.” “What are you talking about all of a sudden?” “You don’t have to give birth to me. Meet someone better than Dad. You said you had a first love. If you live again, confess. Who knows? Maybe it will work out?” The mother and daughter giggled together. Then Lihen Copland woke up. As a nineteen-year-old. Living again didn’t change her life much. But maybe she could make her daughter a little happier. To do so, she would have to marry her husband again. But that resolve soon began to waver. After meeting her first love, Sir Schdermel Raft. 마이 디어 아스터
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    Sancira H. (Nadaone) Sancira H. (Nadaone) just now

    Did it tell the age difference between her past life and now?

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    Konkon Konkon 5 minutes ago

    Just make her hubby return ! I hate this disgusting trash guy emoji

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    Kotana Kotana 6 minutes ago

    This is getting so annoying... diana is a nutcase of epic proportions,  helios is just plain pathetic,  hestia is a disappointment the likes of which there aren't a lot... it would be fine if at least hestia was actually reasonable and not so goddamned selfish.  It's always about her: how he's HER favorite,  how SHE wants to make everyone pay for what they did to him. But she doesn't give a shit about what HE wants. She's willing to go the extra mile for whatever it is she wants and thinks, but won't make an extra step for him. So it kind of begs the question: does she actually like him or is he just a cute pet for her to play with and abandon when the going gets too involved for her pathetic sensibilities? She asked him to marry her but she isn't being a wife...

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